Polytechnic University: Celebrating our 150th anniversary VICS Fashion Institute of Technology

e-Nabling The Collaborative Supply Chain


08:00 Coffee
Kickoff by Senior Supply Chain Executive
Supply Chain Challenges in the retail/CPG industry are many and varied. Choosing what to focus on can mean the difference between achieving company goals or facing the wrath of financial analysts. This presentation will deal with the key factors that CEOs' mus consider when making investment, organizational or technological decisions and how they measure success.
10:45 Break
Collaborative, Planning, Forecasting, and Replenishment [CPFR ®]
This session will describe the genesis of CPFR and the development of the business process model that is being employed by numerous companies and industries around the globe. Case studies will depict the benefits and learning's that companies have experienced as they developed collaborative relationships with their trading partners and improved the quality of the information vital to demand planning and supply chain execution. The impact on on increased sales, improved profitability and cash flow will be discussed.
12:00 Lunch
Floor-Ready Merchandise [FRM]
General merchandise retailers and their suppliers ahve successfully developed and implemented standards that have dramatically improved productiviity for the merchants and their suppliers. Various standards, collaboratively developed, have effectively and effeciently improved the flow of merchandise from the cutting floor to the sales counter. Case studies will explain the actual experiences and games achieved.
Logistics & Transportation
Transportation, long forgotten by senior management, will be front and center as a result of the new federal government regulations concerning hours of service. Companies will be compelled to employ standards developed by VICS, to include the Electronic Bill of Lading the VICS Routing Guide and Collaborative Transportation Management to meet cost and customer service objectives. Senior leadership will forced to focus transportation, a cost center tahat is typically seventy percent of the supply chain budget, and this session will provide thought provoking suggestions that will deliver results.
Radio Frequency Identification has been practiced for sometime, but the advent of the electronic product code, a passive chip, will change the supply chain landscape, much as the U.P.C. did several decades ago. This session will deal with the current state of implementation, technology, and applications, providing the audience with a clear picture of the path forward.
4:00 Q & A