Polytechnic University: Celebrating our 150th anniversary VICS Fashion Institute of Technology

e-Nabling The Collaborative Supply Chain

About the Event

This event is where progressive retail and supply chain executives can learn how leading retailers, and suppliers are adopting collaborative business processes, e-Technology, and open global commerce standards to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of their trading partnerships while adding to their individual bottom lines.

Session Objectives:

Attendees will see the advantages, value, and how-to-implement methods of:

Collaborative Business Processes:
VICS Collaborative Planning, Forecasting and Replenishment (CPFR®)
VICS Floor Ready Merchandise (FRM)
VICS Collaborative Transportation Management (CTM)
Open Global Commerce Standards:
EAN.UCC System
VICS Electronic Bill of Lading
VICS Routing Guide
Enabling Technology:
Radio Frequency Identification (RFID)
Data Synchronization
Learn How to Apply
The Experience of
Leading Collaborative Commerce Practitioners
Within Your Firm’s
People, Process, and Technology Enterprise Resources.